Relaxing photo of women floating in crystal clear ocean by commercial photographer Michael Condran

photo by: Peter Belanger

5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your Website As A Commercial Photographer.

As a commercial photographer, your website isn’t just a page on the internet—it’s your virtual storefront, your portfolio, and the first impression for potential clients. Let’s chat about some useful tips to make sure it’s as inviting and effective as it can be.

Easy Contact Info

Think of your contact page as the golden ticket to potential collaborations. Make it a breeze for art directors and creatives to get in touch. If you’ve got a contact form, awesome! But don’t forget to add your email address too—it’s like offering a direct line for those who prefer a more personal touch.

Optimize for SEO

Imagine your website as a treasure chest, and SEO is the map leading people to it. Start by finding your treasure—keywords. Combine words related to your work, niche, and location to create targeted keywords. Sprinkle these keywords throughout your site, from the home page to image titles. 

But here’s the golden nugget: consider taking your SEO game to the next level. Dive deep into the intricacies of SEO with our upcoming comprehensive SEO guide crafted exclusively for commercial photographers. Uncover the secrets to enhance your online visibility, attract your dream clients, and dominate the digital landscape and stay ahead of the game. Drop your email below to be notified when this golden nugget drops.

Too Many Clicks

In the blink of an eye, a potential client decides whether to stay or go. Put on your client’s shoes—captivate them upfront. Avoid the click scavenger hunt by showcasing a captivating overview. And always remember, quality over quantity. Your portfolio is a curated gallery; show only your best, most relevant work to attract the right gigs.

Niche Down

In a world full of options, standing out is key. If you’re into family portraits and commercial shots, that’s fantastic! But keep them separate for your viewer’s sake. The art director at a top agency is likely looking for a specific skill set. Niche down your portfolio per target market, ensuring your site is a tailored experience for potential clients.

 Keep it Fresh

Imagine your website as a living, breathing entity—it needs regular check-ups. Update it with fresh work, audit it twice a year, and welcome a friend’s input. Fresh perspectives are invaluable—tiny errors can slip through the cracks when you’re too close to your own masterpiece. That’s where we come in! 

Introducing our Website Audit, your secret weapon to spot those sneaky issues. We’ll dive deep, uncover duplicate images, catch those elusive missing links, and suggest ways to elevate your site. Don’t let the small stuff hold you back; let’s turn your website into a flawless masterpiece. Ready for a site that truly shines? Explore our Website Audit at MDRN Creative.

Your website isn’t just a page; it’s your story. Let’s make sure it’s a captivating tale that keeps clients coming back for more.