Embarking on a visual journey that seamlessly blends tranquility and authenticity, Bekah Wriedt invites us into the serene realm of her work. I had the pleasure of meeting Bekah in person and she is just as much of a bright spot as is her work. Let’s dive in and explore Bekah’s journey.

Website: bekahwriedt.com

Instagram: @bekahwriedt

Your images have this light and airy feel that reminds me to breathe and relax my shoulders. How did you come to develop your style?

Developing my style has been quite the journey! Along the way, I’ve produced a lot of work that didn’t quite resonate with me. However, through experimentation, grit, and just creating a lot of work, I’ve finally begun to create in a way that truly reflects who I am.

Feelings of peace, joy, and freedom fuel me creatively. They serve as the core inspiration behind my work, and whenever I’m enveloped in these emotions, I feel truly alive, inspired, and content with the world.

It’s my hope that through my work, I can share these grounding emotions with everyone. If someone looks at my portfolio and experiences a moment of relaxation and gratitude, it brings me immense joy!”

How do you stay inspired and keep your creative juices flowing?

I stay inspired by living an active life with enriching relationships, drawing creative energy and emotions from my interactions. I’m also inspired by books, various art forms, faith, and travel. 

Creating a warm and inviting space at home with beautiful coffee table books and cozy touches is another way I keep that creative fire burning. And on those days when inspiration seems elusive, a change of scenery, whether it’s a new neighborhood, state, or even a different country, can be just the thing to reignite my creative spirit!

What emerging trends or technologies in commercial photography excite you the most?

I’m excited about the current shift towards body positivity. It’s time the industry became more inclusive, and seeing this change unfold is really inspiring. I’m also loving how some beauty brands are embracing natural skin without excessive retouching. It’s a powerful statement that celebrates authenticity. Promoting all types of bodies in advertising is incredibly important, and it’s a wonderful step towards making each of us feel seen and valued. Although we’re just getting started, I’m optimistic that body positivity and inclusivity will soon become the norm!

What challenges have you faced in the commercial photography industry?

Initially learning the ways of the industry was a challenge at the beginning, especially graduating with a marketing degree. Figuring out how to break into the industry, and discovering the business end of it was tricky, and networking was nearly impossible. But once things started opening up, it’s been really sweet to meet so many amazing creatives and other photographers who have shared knowledge, taught practical skills, and introduced me! I’ve been blessed with incredible mentors who have taken me under their wing and helped me learn the ins and outs of this industry. The Chicago creative community has been so welcoming!

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day?

I enjoy taking a walk or doing some gentle movement to clear my mind. Then, I often treat myself to a burger or poke, or if I’m in the mood, I’ll cook a nutritious meal. I love ending it by cozying up with my partner and catching up on our latest show before an early bedtime!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Ooh, this is always a tough question! If I had to choose,  I’d love to be in Spain or Italy for an extended time. There’s something truly captivating about the lifestyles, culture, and beautiful light in those regions that inspires me greatly. It would be an absolute dream to create art there for an extended period. I’m also itching to return to Berlin and explore all the art museums!

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