A color focused studio set of a bed and dresser by photographer Nicolle Clemetson

Step into the vibrant world of our latest Artist Spotlight as we chat with a truly unique creative force – a color-focused studio photographer who’s not just capturing moments but painting them with an exuberant palette of hues. Get ready to explore the cozy and creatively charged realm of Nicole Clemetson and Sludge Studio, where every shot is a burst of energy, every set a visual playground, and where her passion for color goes beyond the lens and into the heart of her artistic journey.

Describe your signature style or approach to photography.

I typically describe myself as a “color-focused” studio photographer, so most of my work has a strong color palette and a creative approach to lighting.

What is it like being on set with Nicolle and Sludge Studio?

We’ve created a studio space that feels (and looks) much more like a creative, maximally decorated home than a typical photography studio. After working in so many white wall studios I wanted a place to work that feels comfortable, creative, and inspiring. This also translates into a fun and chill place to host our clients. The vibe is always aiming to be high-energy and positive.

After almost a decade of working in the photo industry, I had accumulated a studio’s worth of lighting and grip. That, along with having spent most of my career producing my own projects it made sense to grow my freelance business into something a bit bigger than just me and to offer not just photography, but production services as well. My partner and I brought all our collective skills together (photography, project management, set design, fabrication) and Sludge Studio was created. Together we produce pretty amazing work for our clients. 🙂

How do you stay organized and manage your time effectively when juggling multiple tasks of running a business?

It helps to have two of us! I will typically manage the creative end of things; creative calls, treatments, and art direction; while my partner will take care of estimating and invoicing, set design, and overall client management. We work together on the scheduling to make sure we have ample time and attention to give to each project.


Describe your dream photo shoot.

I used to dream of photographing celebrities for magazines or key-art for movies/TV shows… Now, my dream would be to make photos that could actually do some good, to help, as opposed to making imagery for the sole purpose of selling things. If I’m being super real, at this point, I’m living my dream of being able to make a living off my photography and not having to work for anyone else– having that autonomy is my “dream photo shoot”.

How do you stay inspired and keep your creative juices flowing?

I bake a lot. Like, SO MUCH BREAD. It’s a good practice of patience and I’m constantly learning. It might not sound creative, but it works for me. 😉


What’s on the horizon, any projects you are working on that you are excited about?

We are winding down for the year, but I did just launch a brand new website that I spent weeks building and designing. I’m very proud of it as the new site feels like a proper reflection of my overall vibes and the type of work I love to shoot.

What advice do you have for someone aspiring to become a successful commercial photographer?

Practice photography (literally). Get good. Understand and recognize good lighting and pay attention to current design trends. Learn the basics of running a business– estimating, invoicing, taxes, and expenses.

It’s clear that you are drawn to color. What is your favorite color (and why)?

My current color obsessions are green (like, GRASS green) and bright orange. The world can be a bummer so I try to surround myself with color– my wardrobe is as vibrant as my photography!


What is your favorite holiday?

Labor Day! Solidarity with all workers <3

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