Women in yellow athletic cloths, showing a squat jump. Captured by fitness photographer cameron michael

Step into the flavorful world of NYC Food Photographer, Felicia Peretti as she shares her journey from a crafty passion for photography to a career behind the lens. Explore the artistry, organization secrets, and marketing wisdom that define her approach to capturing the essence of food and beverages. 

 How did you get started in food & Bev photography?

I was always the crafty one in the family. Like others, I was given a film camera at a young age and really enjoyed the freedom it brought. I pursued photography in high school and college shooting all sorts of genres, but I also worked at my local supermarket as a cashier! The supermarket environment of packaged foods with me taking photos in school ultimately led me to a career path in food and beverage photography. Never looked back.


What is it like being on set with Felicia

I like to keep it fun and relaxing. There is so much planning and attention to detail that goes into a photo shoot. Once we make it to set it’s like we are at the finish line. I like to keep a upbeat and positive attitude so we can just roll through the shots and then some. I want my clients to have fun and feel like it’s a good day away from the office.

Do you have any insights as to what you have found to be your most effective marketing tool?

I love marketing! It’s such a fascinating subject and can be approached in a lot of ways. I can’t say there is one great tool, but I do think trackable e blasts are effective and worth the money. Whatever marketing tools you choose you have to be consistent or it will never stick.

How do you stay organized and manage your time effectively when juggling multiple projects or clients?

Staying organized is another fun topic! 🙂 Keep it simple is what I say. I have on my computer separate folders for every job which are in another folder I call “Shooting Jobs”. Whether I’am awarded the project or not I keep those job folders and archive them in “Awarded” or “Not Awarded” folders. In addition to that, I keep track of clients, companies, and the outreach I’ve done to them through the software Daylite. I’ve had Daylite since day 1 of my business.

What advice do you have for someone aspiring to become a successful commercial photographer?

Stay patient, stay positive, set realistic goals for yourself, test shoot often, network, ask for help, and assist other photographers more established than you.

If you could choose only one song to play every time you walk into a room, what would it be?

I have such an eclectic taste in music, I think every time on set I can never decide and I really leave the music up to my assistants. My first answer would be anything Brittany Spears, but I will go with a song that is upbeat and is all about the summer. Len – “Steal My Sunshine”

If money wasn’t required, what would your dream job be?

It is a dream I get to do what I love, and make money. If money wasn’t required maybe spend more time on my hobbies like baking, playing the piano, bowling, and traveling the world year round!

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